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Previous exhibitions:

The Winning Gallery

Holy Art Gallery

2nd Place in Peoples Choice Award - Curious Duke Gallery

Joie De Vivre Gallery


Featured Collection - Saatchi Gallery Online

"Stunning! I love it!!!" - L. Makua, Hawaii


"Always wows!" - S. Spry, UK


Making Art Meaingful profits help African children go to school

art with purpose!

This year, when you buy one of my original paintings from the series above, you directly help a child, living below the poverty line in Kenya. I'm currently raising money to improve the living conditions & education for these kids (pictured) who I was lucky to spend time with last year. My time in Kenya really brought home the harsh realities of the poverty cycle. Most of us are in the lucky position, that we live in countries where primary and secondary school education is free. Unfortunately, that is not the case in many developing countries. When parents are trapped by their own lack of education, unable to get jobs, living in a country where pay is $2-$4 a day for unskilled labour (which even then is hard to come by), they often go months without being able to find work and struggle to provide food and health care for their kids, or afford school costs. When those kids grow up, uneducated, they end up in the same position. Generally this cycle of poverty persists for generations, unless there's intervention from outside. Their daily reality at the moment is living without electricity, running water or toilets, or indeed the internet - which means they get further left behind in terms of a knowledge gap. If they go to school, they'll be in a a better position to break this cycle, get jobs in the future, and ultimately, support their own families in the long run. I'm donating 25% of the profits of these paintings directly to paying school fees and costs associated with their education, such as pens and books. So if you choose to collect one, you're not just bringing a beautiful piece of art home, you're potentially making a life changing difference to someone.

This Wild Soul has 70+ 5* STAR reviews!

Lily S, UK

“Arrived so quickly and the quality is absolutely phenomenal
- the paper and texture is gorgeous. Thank you!"

This wild soul

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